Master Teacher: Jared McCannFounder of Lighthouse Yoga School, Jared McCann’s emphasis has been a complete yoga practice, focused on connecting people deeply to...
Toasted Sunflower Seed Quinoa SaladThis is my final recipe post for YogaCityNYC and I am so honored to have had the opportunity to share my food with you all. I first...
Last Thoughts From UsI have worked most of my life. I was a camp counselor at 15, was employed through college at a juice bar and bakery, came to NYC with...
Concert to Feed the Hungry Raises Funds Awareness And The Roof!On June 17, the Middle Collegiate Church will host a musical fundraising event that’s become an annual tradition. In its sixth year, the...
Food As MedicineFresh food is being prescribed by doctors to cure ills. "Folks, good morning, and welcome to the ribbon-cutting and opening of the Fresh...
Rachael NickelYoga Sleuth’s first class as an undercover agent of asana was eight years ago at Bamboo Moves in his hometown of Queens. To bring things...
Healing The Whole BodyQuentin Vennie says these 15 poses have the potential to heal you. It can help heal your mind, physical injuries, and improve strength...
Yoga’s Scientific Benefits, Latest From The ExpertsEddie Stern, the renowned Ashtanga instructor and owner of Brooklyn Yoga Club, has been researching the science behind yoga for 8 years....
Elian And David Zach-ShemeshOn a summer-y feeling Friday night, Sleuth bypassed the Happy Hour bustle on the Bowery to attend sound meditation with Elian and David...
Take It From HerRonnie Arond is 93 and teaches yoga in her Queens basement. “Its not a basement; it’s a sanctum sanctorum,” said Ronnie Arond, 93, as a...
Sage GuitaristGuitarist John McLaughlin waxes poetically about his influences, inspirations and yoga practice. By the time I came out of the whole...
The Must-Read Book ClubMindy Bacharach: I read it a few years ago when my book club suggested it and I continue to recommend it. I’m constantly reading up on...