Vedic Astrologer: New Moon Closes the Door On 2016 And Brings New Potential

Take a step back and look inward. The new moon of December 28 closes the curtain on 2016 - for better or worse. This new moon offers a potent dose of reflection on what we have gained and lost this last year, and plants a seed of determination for positive growth in the year to come. New moons always initiate 30-day monthly cycles. This new moon also initiates a yearly cycle of 365 days. Make use of the deep and thoughtful influence of this new moon and look inward on your feelings and intentions for the year to come. In Vedic Astrology, the new moon falls in the area of the sky called Purva Ashadha, which is said to hold the undefeatable power of the human spirit. Among these stars lies an infinite wellspring of energy that flows outward from the section of the sky called the galactic center. These stars are part of the constellation of Sagittarius - the fierce archer with perfect aim - who inspires us to explore new realms and realize our dreams. Purva Ashadha is also symbolized by an elephant tusk and is blessed by the Hindu elephant god, Ganesha, who is revered as the “Remover of Obstacles.”This new moon has a special ability to break through blockages and transform old habits.

From the dark depths of this new moon night rushes a river of hope and vision - and blunt honesty. Purva Ashadha holds the infinite waters of Apas, the divine feminine strength of the sea. These are the goddesses of the rainstorms and the spring waters that endlessly flow down in rivers to purify the soul. Take heed, the close proximity of Mercury retrograde to this new moon may make holiday travel difficult and delay plans. Be wary of misunderstandings that could complicate meetings and transactions. Furthermore, Mercury may amplify a sense of nostalgia or even regret on this new moon. The weeks to come carry a heavy weight for world karma. Mars and Venus have joined Neptune and Ketu - the tail of the transformational Snake of Time. This alignment could cause powerful shifts on a collective level and create confusing and possibly inflammatory situations. Try to be extra patient with those around you, and don’t hesitate to reach out to those who may need support. This is the final new moon of the year and the weeks to come will offer a unique momentum. Make use of this potent time to dissolve the past and realign yourself with your dreams of the future.
--Kari Field
For a personal reading with Kari Field, our Vedic Astrologer, click here and take advantage of her 10% Solstice discount