Krishnamacharya's Wisdom Reaches Round The Globe
Indra and A.G. Mohan, now in their seventies, are two of the most highly respected yoga teachers in the world. Part of this has to do with the fact that they spent years studying with Krishamacharya and this has given their knowledge a special depth and meaningful resonance in the spiritual community.
Recently they launched, a learning platform to distribute the ancient teachings. There are many wisdom yoga sites out there these days, but this is not just another one. With hundreds of videos, personal notes, and even the voice of Krishnamacharya on it, this site is the real deal.
The broad learning and resource platform is primarily focused on the Sutras of Patanjali but will also cover related disciplines including Samkhya, Ayurveda, Vedic logic, and Sanskrit.
As a long time student of the Mohans, YogaCity NYC's Lisa Dawn Angerame couldn’t be more excited that they have decided to share their knowledge to the broadest possible audience and talked to them about their vision.
Lisa Dawn Angerame: What can people expect from your new endeavour?
A.G. Mohan: Our desire is to disseminate our life long attainment of this knowledge not only to scholars and serious students, but also to all persons who are seeking personal transformation and meaning in their lives.
This platform will give subscribers access to an extensive series of concise videotaped talks for individual study, commencing with Chapters 2 and 3 of the Yogasutras.
LDA: Let me stop you for a moment - Chapter 3 - teachers usually skip this chapter all together because they say it is too mystical and not easily understood by the modern yogi.
AGM: Yes, the third chapter can appear mystical. In fact, I have recorded a video about this exact topic. It is actually very logical. However, in order to understand the logic, it is necessary to first have an understanding of Samkhya philosophy. Few people today have a good understanding of Samkhya therefore, and that is why this chapter can be difficult to grasp.
Samkhya concerns mind and matter. How the yogi is able to master these is reflected in the siddhis, the powers, that are acquired. The siddhis are milestones for the yogi to assess his progress – not in terms of postural adjustments etc. – but in mastery of his own mind. He reaches a stage, where to attain the state of permanent peace, kaivalyam, he must also transcend and reject the siddhis.
LDA: Exciting! Back to the site itself. What is your overall goal?
AGM: We want students to gain a very clear understanding of what yoga is. There are many study groups and seminars being held nowadays based on modern interpretations and this is creating much confusion. The Yoga Sutras are beyond interpretation, to truly understand the path we need to look to, and learn from persons that have actually walked the path and realized the state of yoga e.g. studying the commentary of Vyasa.. Only by following one with a clear mind, will we have a chance of finding some peace of mind ourselves.
LDA: So how can we obtain this information on the site?
AGM: There are 125 previously recorded videos explaining Chapters 1 and 2 in detail, including the commentary of Vyasa, the ancient commentator. There are comprehensive, downloadable notes for each lecture, covering the key points raised in each video, including resource videos, to support the integration of knowledge. There are audio recordings to assist in learning to chant the Yoga Sutras as well as additional videos answering questions of broad interest.
I also have more than 5,000 pages of hand written notes from my 18 years of studies with Krishnamacharya and numerous recordings of the master. I will also share these unique and special materials for the benefit of yoga students everywhere.
LDA: That is really amazing. I can’t wait to see those notes and hear Krishnamacharya’s voice! Why do you think there is so much interest in the Yoga Sutras at this time?
AGM: The message is timeless. While the Sutras may be thousands of years old, there are no new emotions in the mind, as there are no new bones in the body, and therefore are as relevant today as in the past. The Sutras give us great insight into the workings of our own minds and describe the steps we need to take to bring about positive transformation, on all levels.
This is particularly important in today’s world, where we are all affected by the stresses created by modern day living. The Sutras provide very rational and practical tools to help us overcome these challenges. Change is in our own hands and the wisdom found in them, now more than ever, provides the means to live more peacefully, with more contentment.
To find out more about the site, click here.
Illustration by Valeria Clark