FULL MOON Of The Pranic Winds

Rising with the wind at its back, the full moon of April 22, 2016 (6:24 EST) will fill your sails with powerful gusts of freedom and possibility. If you allow yourself to be flexible, this exhilarating breath of lunar energy can blow you into uncharted territory, aligning you with your soul’s purpose and expanding limited ideas of what you thought was possible. Known as a Sprouting Grass Moon, this full moon falls in the area of the sky - or Nakshatra - known as Swati. In Vedic Astrology, Swati is symbolized by a young sprout blowing in the wind. The warm, gentle winds of spring are said to strengthen and animate sprouting plants so they can develop into unique life forms, and like plants, we too can reap the benefits of the warm spring winds. But first you must ask yourself the questions that Swati, also known as the star of self-inquiry, illuminates: Who are you and what really stirs your heart? What gets your blood pumping? Where do you belong? This Full Moon challenges us to dive headfirst into our personal power—often a daunting task—and to stand firm in our truth. As Swati restlessly scatters the intoxicating fragrance of spring flowers, calling us to explore new territory, be careful not to get blown too far off course. While the ruling planet Venus sits in exaltation, she is incoming fast over Uranus, a planet that can propel us toward sudden wild attractions or unplanned adventures.
Vayu, the Vedic God of Wind, rules over the Nakshatra of Swati, blowing his creative life force, or prana, through everything on earth. The power he wields is beyond measure, for he is the animator that inspires our very hearts to beat and our blood to flow. He fuels our devotion, strength, and courage, and his son, the monkey god, Hanuman, is considered to be the embodiment of perfect devotion, surrender and selfless service.

Hanuman returns the mountain with the four healing plants to the Himalayas, from Vol. 2 folio 236 recto of the Ramayana of Valmiki (The Freer Ramayana)
Hanuman illuminates the infinite strength and courage we hold within us when we are resolved in faith, love, and devotion, and in many parts of India, this Full Moon will be celebrated as his birthday. On this Full Moon of Hanuman, Swati challenges us to hold fast to our decisions, and to elevate the “monkey mind” that craves distraction to the one pointed devotion of Hanuman. The winds of Swati dissolves boundaries and disperses stagnant energy, but take heed because this destabilizing influence could potentially cloud the mind, warping our perceptions of relationships and/or creative projects. The full moon is also affected by a Sunapha Yoga with the retrograde planets of Mars and Saturn, who are only seven degrees apart. In Vedic astrology, when planets retrograde, their influences become more pronounced. This odd coupling could make for some potentially explosive situations, and might result in challenging interactions, especially for those in planetary cycles of Saturn or Mars. The rare and lengthy transit of these two intense planets will endure through much of the summer, peaking with an exact conjunction on August 24. For more about the Saturn-Mars Retrograde this year, click here. On this Full Moon, call on the son of the spring winds – Hanuman – to help you harness your power and courage. Allow the gusts of freedom and possibility to blow you toward the uncharted waters of new potential. If you’re flexible and determined, this Full Moon can reinvigorate your soul’s purpose and carry you in the direction of your dreams.
--Kari Field (Anandashree)
To book a reading with Kari on how the Vedic astrological influences affect you on a personal level, click here.
Cover Art thanks to Kiki Collagist