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The Must-Read Book Club

Rian Bodner: This was one of the first “yoga inspired” books I ever read. It was recommended to me by one of my first yoga teachers.

YCNYC: Describe it in 5 words.

RB: Poignant, compelling, honest, useful, approachable.

YCNYC: Favorite quote?

RB: “We learn to live in paradox” she went on, “In a world where two apparently exclusive viewer held at the same time. In this world, rhythms of paradox are circuitous, slow, born of feeling rising from a thinking heart.”

YCNYC: Who would you recommend this book to?

RB: Anyone who wants to know how yoga is really working in their lives.

YCNYC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

RB: This is an autobiography, a memoir, a scientific account, a spiritual guide. It helps to put our mindfulness and challenges into perspective. And I remember feeling, as I began to practice yoga, all of these parts of me that I was able to bring awareness to, but didn’t really know what to do with previously. I wanted to be more mindful, but didn’t know how yoga was actually going to help. This book is a must.

You can purchase Yoga and the Quest for the True Self here.

Have a Must-Read book to recommend? Email us here.

—Interview by Allison Richard

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