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The Must-Read Book Club

Paula Tursi: I feel like this book has always been with me, but I honestly can’t remember how I got to it. I first read it when my own life was uneasy. Now I use it in all of my teacher trainings and with all my spiritual counseling clients.

YCNYC: What did you like best about it?

PT: I work a lot with people who want to be other than they are. They judge themselves very harshly. In my work, I endeavor to help them not just love, but see the beauty in who they are. Here, Chodron helps introduce us to our natures and a path to loving who we are in a beautiful and unique way.

YCNYC: Who would you recommend this book to?

PT: This is a book that can help us find gratitude and meaning in our lives. So—everybody?

YCNYC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

PT: I have taught meditation as a practice to our emotional freedoms for many years. The way Chodron explains meditation—not just the “how,” but the “why” of it—makes it so clear and accessible. It totally changed my practice. Meditation stopped being a tool to simply clear my mind. It became a way to live in my heart. A way to truly foster compassion.

You can purchase The Places That Scare You here.

Have a Must-Read book to recommend? Email us here.

—Interview by Allison Richard

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