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Do This Now!

It's time to get back into activist mode. The Right is blasting the news that Progressives no longer have any power. They have forgotten that we have real grass-roots power if we collectively use it.

Each week YogaCity NYC will ask you to take an action and let the Republicans, the Democrats, and key players in the administration know exactly what we care about.

This week: Stop Paul Ryan from Destroying Obamacare and Medicare. According to NPR he has a 37-page plan which has real details, unlike our new President’s vague promises. These changes could put health insurance for 20 million Americans in grave peril.

Call Senator Paul Ryan’s office and tell them you support "Obamacare." Call (202) 225-0600, pressed #2 (Health Care), wait through a pre-recorded message, then pressed #1 to show I SUPPORT "Obamacare."

We got through early in the morning and had difficulty getting through later in the day.

--The editors

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