Don’t Forget These 10 Rules When Placing Your Ganesha At Home Or Work
Ganesha is one of the most important deities in Hinduism.
His likeness is all over the east; many countries- not just India- have adopted his appearance and incorporated his motifs into their culture. After all, the symbolism of Ganesh is very deep. One could even say the entire point of Ganesh is to inspire others to their highest! But even though people have decorated their homes with statues of this elephant-god, many don’t understand some of the basic rules that come with it.
SEE ALSO: Ganesh’s Top 3 Mantras For Success
1) Remember his Symbolism
There’s a reason why Ganesha is worshipped before undertaking new endeavours. The god of joy, happiness and success, Ganesha has been blessing his devotees with prosperity and fortune since time immemorial. He’s thought to be the remover of obstacles, as he himself overcame lots of troubles.
2) Where to Place Ganesh
Most people are not aware there are specific places to put Ganesh to reinforce the vibration of success and happiness. According to Vastu (the science of architecture in Ayurveda), the best placement of idols is the northeast corner of the house. This is also the best location to setup the pooja room (meditation spot), as it is known as the Ishan corner.
3) The White Ganesh
People seeking happiness, peace, and prosperity should bring White Ganesha home as this particular color represents purity of intention and spirituality.
4) Vermillion Ganesh
Those who desire self-growth should bring a vermilion color Ganpati (Ganesh) at home. Vermilion represents the spiritual ascendancy of mankind, and the gradual opening of the thousand-petaled lotus flower at the top of the head.
5) Sitting Ganesh for the Home
The idol of sitting Ganesha is best for the house. He represents a calm, but determined demeanor- the exact kind of energy you want at home!
6) The Position of the Trunk
The idol of sitting Ganesha with his trunk tilted towards his left hand should be placed in a house. It represents happiness and success. Ganesha with his trunk tilted towards his right hand is difficult to please, because it represents the power of the sun which can “burn” if strict rituals are not adhered to. Better make sure your Ganesh is fat and happy!
7) Standing Ganesh at Work
If you want to place Ganesha’s idol at your workplace, remember to place an idol of standing Ganesha. This brings energy and enthusiasm to work.
8) The Small Details
Whenever you are placing the idol of Ganesha, remember that a mouse and modak (Indian sweet) should be a part of the statue. This is auspicious and integral to his purpose! The mouse represents material desire, which can be ridden to their completion, but should never disturb inner peace. Sweets represent not getting distracted by pleasure- hence, they’re left untouched.
9) One is Enough
On your altar, always keep only one idol of Lord Ganesha. Keeping two or more Ganesha idols counteracts their energy. You only need one to be effective!
10) Remember the Purpose
More important than all these rules, remember the deep meaning behind Ganesh every time you see his image! He’s meant to show us the pathway to happiness, inner peace, and success in life. He’s a symbol of perseverance in the face adversity. He is like the human spirit, in the form of an idol.
Check out Sivana Spirit's amazing Ganesh statue collection!! They’re not only beautiful, they make a wonderful addition to any home
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