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Let It Go

I recently came across a quote by Daniell Koepke about only doing and being around what makes you happy. I really felt a connection and understanding to the quote with different situations in my life, some past and some present.

It is these testing times I find I really take the time to stop and think about where I am and how I really feel about life, I think about where I am at, where I want to be, I think about who’s in my life and think about what my purpose is here on this planet we call earth.. deep right? Sometimes we’ve got to be! So to me my purpose in life is ultimatley to be happy and feel content within myself, I am to go on adventures to beautiful places, to learn as much as I can and create memories that last a life time all in my own time. We all view life differently, some of us have similar views and some of us have completley different ones and that’s totally okay.

This year I’ve been trying my best to be genuinely true to myself, my feelings and speak up when I feel something does not feel right or if something is making me unhappy or uncomfortable I try my best to say so and walk away if I have to. This applies to so many aspects from work, to relationships, friendships and even stopping and asking myself “does doing this benefit my happiness?”

Focusing on what makes you happy and taking your energy away from what doesn’t may be hard at times and other times it may be really simple. At the end of the day all I want to be is true to myself and sometimes we have to make sacrifices even if it’s hard, if it hurts or if it means things need to change and we have to let it go.

To read more of Jess’s work click here, follow her on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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